This is a restricted area for those who have purchased our software and have a valid serial number or unlock code. If you don't already have an account, you can sign up now. We will review your application details including serial numbers and grant you access to the relevant secure areas. You can add new serial numbers to an existing account but you will have to email us if you then need us to review them and grant you access to new areas. By having a member account, you can download updates and optionally elect to receive emails on specific subjects.

Confirmation email
Some mail systems may treat our automatic emails as SPAM. If you do not receive a confirmation email and do not see the mail in your junk box, try logging in with your chosen ID and password as it may be that your account is approved.

Please fill out the following form to create an account.

Create Member Account
Member ID:
Allowed Characters: Letters, Numbers, !, @, #, $, *, >, <, , (, ), -, _
Length: Between 3 and 12 characters.
Allowed Characters: Letters, Numbers, !, @, #, $, *, >, <, , (, ), -, _
Length: Between 3 and 8 characters.
Please type your password again to confirm it.
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
If you are registering for a business, please define your title.
State/Province (USA only):
Two or three letter code
Zip/Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Please type your email address above again to confirm you entered it correctly.
Your program serial number:
Select About from Help menu of the software to find your serial number. You can register more than one product by entering multiple serial numbers
Notify me when new software titles are released by DP Software.
Notify me when testers are required for unreleased software.
Notify me of important updates such as major new features, bugs and security issues. (regular updates are not informed so you should check for updates from the Help menu of the program)
You can inform me if you notice I do not have access to updates.
IMPORTANT - You must check this box to indicate that you have read and agree to our privacy policy HERE otherwise we cannot contact you due to GDPR regulations except in certain conditions. (use browser back button to return after reading)


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